Michael Greer has been a director for AMBA Services, Inc., since its founding in December 2016. Mike likes to say he is ‘semi-retired’, with plenty of things to do in pursuit of his passions: supporting the military community, promoting healthy lifestyles and physical fitness, and staying connected with friends both old and new.
Mike’s last full-time position in 2015 was as interim director for the Better Business Bureau Institute for Marketplace Trust and the BBB Military Line, which did significant outreach to active duty military and veterans with financial literacy education and support. One of his proudest achievements was helping in the rollout of a 10-week online course called ‘Mil-Cents’ through the Military Family Advisory Network (MFAN). Other projects supporting financial literacy included support for the DoD Financial Readiness Roundtable, The White House Joining Forces Initiative, the Military Saves Campaign, and the launch of the BBB Mobile Mi$$ion coaching app for transitioning veterans.
Prior to serving with the BBB, Mike was a senior executive with Serco North America from 2001 through 2011. Mike spent most of his time with Serco as the Military Family Programs director, leading a business unit that oversaw enterprise-wide support for programs such as: Army OneSource, Army Spouse Employment Partnership, Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Awareness and Response, and the GED-Plus program for the National Guard. During his time at Serco, Mike developed lifelong relationships with military and veteran organizations such as: National Military Family Association (NMFA), Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC), and Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS).
Mike is a 1980 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point. He served as an Infantry officer on active duty until 1992; with assignments in the 82nd Airborne Division and the 3rd US Infantry (The Old Guard). In the reserves until 2000, Mike served as an Army Public Affairs Officer, finishing his military service as a Major in the Community Relations & Outreach Division for the Chief of Army Public Affairs. His awards include the Soldiers Medal, Meritorious Service Medals, Army Commendation Medals, Expert Infantry, Senior Parachutist/Jump Master, Pathfinder, and Ranger Tab.
Mike lives in the St. Louis, Missouri area with his wife Jennifer – who is a 30+ year civilian retiree from the US Army Corps of Engineers. Between the two of them, they have run nearly 100 marathons, 13 ultra-distance 50-milers, and summited the highest mountains on 3 continents – and likely aren’t finished in those pursuits just yet.