The U.S. Army Garrison Alaska is conducting a solicitation for a banking institution to provide ATMs at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. This installation is comprised of Soldiers, family members, and civilian personnel, representing a total supported population of more than 27,000.
Attached below you will find the letter from the U.S. Army Garrison Commander – Fort Wainwright, with the bid questionnaire.
If you are interested, please submit your final written proposal NLT 15 May 2023. Inquiries/ questions should be directed to: Cynthia A. Blum. The final written proposal should be forwarded to her by email, and a copy should be mailed at:
Office of the Garrison Commander
ATTN: Cynthia A. Blum
1046 Mark Road
Fort Wainwright, AK 99703
Phone: 907-353-7633