By Amy Miller, AFC®
Military Saves Week is an annual celebration and call to action for military members to commit to saving successfully, reducing debt, and building wealth. From 24 to 28 April, Military Saves Week will help service members and their families, and Veterans and their caregivers, build financial confidence.
Military Saves believes that financial confidence goes beyond education and checking or savings account balances. True financial confidence is about having the discipline to make savings a habit, knowledge about what resources are available, and the courage to take advantage of those resources when necessary.
Military Saves Week
Military Saves recognizes that military members and their families face unique financial circumstances. Military Saves Week will focus on five important areas to help build financial confidence among our military members, Veterans, and their families:
Monday, April 24th: Saving Automatically
The simplest and most effective way to save is to set up automatic savings.
Tuesday, April 25th: Saving for the Unexpected
Having short-term savings is essential to overall financial stability and boosts your financial confidence.
Wednesday, April 26th: Saving for Major Milestones
How to save for competing priorities.
Thursday, April 27th: Paying Down Debt is Saving!
Freeing up cash flow to allow for saving contributes greatly to financial confidence and stability.
Friday, April 28th: Saving at Any Age
Saving is a habit, not a destination and you’re never too young to start learning and implementing positive behaviors that can build lifelong confidence.
The week will also offer free online events, including a virtual town hall discussion, webinars, and podcasts that focus on encouraging everyone in the military community to focus on financial wellness.
Veteran Saves
This year, during Military Saves Week, Veteran Saves!will be introduced as a new program offering information, tools, and resources to meet the financial needs of our Veteran community. AMBA, the Defense Credit Union Council, and America Saves are partnering to bring this new campaign to the Veteran community. Stay tuned for more information.
How to Participate in Military Saves Week
Since its inception in 2007, over 300,000 service members, their families, and DOD civilian employees and contractors have taken the Military Saves pledge. In 2022, Military Saves Month resulted in 413 organizations reaching 3.4 million American service members and their families who deposited over $32 million in savings accounts across the country.
Savers can sign up and take the Military Saves Pledge here. Participants can also pick a savings goal and receive emails and texts with tips and resources that will help them build confidence and a healthier financial future.
AMBA and its member banks have supported the annual Military Saves Campaign since its inception. Learn more about our partnership or sign up to participate in Military Saves Week on our website.