Military Saves Week is April 24 – 28, 2023

Over the past few years, Military Saves has been exploring what it means to be financially confident. As we’ve talked to both Savers and mission-aligned partners, we’ve been able to define the emerging phrase as this:

Financial confidence is the intersection of building a savings habit, knowing what resources you have available to support your financial stability, and taking advantage of those resources as needed.

You see, financial confidence goes beyond financial literacy, education, and the amount that’s in your bank account.

Financial confidence is inclusive in that it recognizes that Savers have unique circumstances, and those unique circumstances are compounded when you are living a military lifestyle.

Financial confidence goes beyond how much money you have in the bank or at your disposal and includes your commitment to financial stability, knowing what resources are available to you, and taking advantage of those resources to fill in any gaps that may exist.

Military Saves is dedicated to helping servicemembers, their families, veterans, caregivers, and the entire military community at-large build financial confidence.

This Military Saves Week we’ll join together and elevate a global conversation that encourages military families to take control of their financial future. No matter where the people you serve are on their financial journey, they’ll clearly see the steps they can take now that will inform and shore up their financial stability.

As always, each day of Military Saves Week will have its own theme that touches on five important areas of financial readiness; however, this year some of those themes have been broadened so that you, our participating organizations, can connect with the concepts in the way that best supports your community and the work you do.

Weekly Themes

Day 1: Saving Automatically
Day 2: Saving For The Unexpected
Day 3: Saving for Major Milestones
Day 4: Paying Down Debt is Saving
Day 5: Saving at Any Age

Veteran Saves

A brand new campaign – Veteran Saves – will launch in 2023 during Military Saves Week. More information, materials, and resources for Veteran Saves can be found at

Information for AMBA Member Banks:

AMBA and its member banks have a record of strong support for the annual Military Saves Campaign since its inception.

Click here to sign-up to participate in Military Saves Week 2023.  Even if you have signed up in the past, Military Saves creates a new list of participating organizations each year, so please sign-up again. By signing up, you will also receive the digital Military Saves Week Toolkit.

Promoting the benefits of savings to servicemembers and their families, offering incentives for customers or members to open or add money to savings accounts, holding workshops, and developing new partnerships are just a few of the many ways to help servicemembers and their families take financial action during Military Saves Month.

Please partner with the installation’s personal financial manager and others at your installation for a successful program.

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