America Saves Week and Military Saves Week is an opportunity for individuals to take financial action and save money for emergencies, retirement, and everything in between. America Saves recognizes the important role that participants play in helping families save money and build wealth.
That’s why they recognize exceptional banks, credit unions, and military installations that succeed in promoting savings or other wealth-building activities during America Saves Week with the America Saves Designation of Savings Excellence. Selection committees comprised of industry and nonprofit leaders meet annually to review applications and select the winners.
Three military banks were recognized during the Military Saves Luncheon at the 2019 AMBA Workshop at the Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida on August 26, 2019.
AMBA congratulates these banks for encouraging, motivating, and educating their military communities to save!
To see the entire list of Designees visit
Fort Hood National Bank
First Arkansas Bank & Trust
Armed Forces Bank