From the AFFN News Release, April 4, 2015
The AFFN Board of Directors, elected annually, is a governing body comprised of volunteers from both the Association of Military Banks of America’s Board of Directors and the Defense Credit Union Council’s Board of Directors, representing all AFFN Participating DCUC Credit Unions and AMBA Banks.
According to Merriam-Webster, the term VOLUNTEER was first used in 1649, and its definition, to offer to do something without being forced to or without getting paid to do it.
As AFFN commemorates 30 years of service to AMBA Banks and DCUC Credit Unions, in direct support of the mission to serve those who serve, we take this opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation to all of those dedicated, talented, and patriotic volunteers – civilian and former/retired military, who have given back countless hours of voluntary service to ensure that AFFN continues to offer the best products and services in support of our U.S. Service Members and their families.
Currently serving on the AFFN Board of Directors are two such dedicated, talented, and patriotic volunteers, Mr. Gordon Simmons, representing DCUC and Mr. Don Giles, representing AMBA, serving 18 years and 17 years respectively.
“Both Gordon and Don have dedicated nearly two decades of service to both the DCUC/AFFN and AMBA/AFFN organizations and our Participants have benefited by their guidance, counsel, and cooperative spirit in service to those who serve,” said Frank Padak, Chairman, AFFN Board of Directors. He added, “On behalf of the AFFN Board of Directors, Management, Staff, and all AMBA Bank and DCUC Credit Union AFFN Participants, we salute both Don and Gordon and extend our sincerest gratitude to these gentlemen for their unwavering support and service.”
AMBA wants to echo the recognition of AMBA and AFFN Board of Directors member, Don Giles!
To read the entire announcement, click here.