This is a great way to continue, launch, or expand your Military Saves Week efforts. You do not have to be an ABA member to participate, but you will have to create a profile. Take advantage of ABA’s toolkit for the campaign and the webinar on January 22.
Their Financial Future Starts with You
Each year, thousands of bankers nationwide introduce young consumers to smart financial skills through ABA’s Teach Children to Save campaign. Don’t miss your opportunity to provide this vital education and raise awareness of your bank’s commitment to the community.
Register and take advantage of the free downloadable planning materials, step-by-step lesson plans, webinars, activity sheets and customizable media tools. Your bank will also appear on the official list of TCTS participants shared with policymakers, regulators, reporters and the public. Participate on Teach Children to Save Day, April 24, or anytime throughout the year, as part of this industry-wide initiative to educate young people about the importance of saving.
Free! Teach Children to Save 101 Webinar
Thursday, January 22, 2015 | 3:00 p.m. EST
For bankers new to the program, learn the basics. Register.