The Department of Defense Military Spouse Employment Partnership program is hosting a webinar on the Military Spouse Career Accelerator Pilot. Here’s DoD’s invitation, which we recommend you favorably consider:
If you were not able to attend our introductory session in January or have additional questions, we encourage you to join us on Thursday, March 30, at 12 p.m. ET. The Associate Director of Military Community Support Programs and SECO Program Manager, Mr. C. Eddy Mentzer will be joined by a representative from Hiring Our Heroes, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation to give an overview of MSCAP with an extended Q&A session for MSEP employers. This is a great opportunity for MSEP employers to learn about the DoD’s newest fellowship opportunity for military spouses and how to get involved.
Please RSVP for this session by Thursday, March 23, 2023, to confirm your space in the classroom.
Attached is access information for the session. This invitation can be shared with any team members
who work with hiring initiatives for military spouses.
Military Spouse Career Accelerator Pilot webinar RSVPs/questions should be directed to:
Cynthia James-Williams, M. Ed
MSEP Specialist | Contractor
Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP)
Department of Defense Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Program (SECO)
Desk: (703) 840-0609 | Mobile: (912) 674-1266
The application for MSCAP is now live for military spouses. For more information on the program, please visit Military Spouse Career Accelerator Pilot | MySECO ( If your organization is interested in hosting fellowships for military spouses, please click here for the employer application.