The AMBA Spring Virtual Luncheon will be held on Friday, 7 May 2021 from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM. Grab your lunch and head to your computer to hear from our special guest speaker.
Each year, AMBA hosts a by-invitation* luncheon in Washington, DC, in conjunction with our spring executive committee meeting, to bring together and to share ideas among our members and partners. This year all events will be held virtually. This year our guest speaker will be Jennifer Davis.

Jennifer Davis became a Government Relations Deputy Director at the National Military Family Association in 2018. She is responsible for programs relating to spouse employment and education, financial literacy, and food insecurity. These areas touch on elements such as state licensure, consumer education, and advocating for the protection and enhancements of legislation and policy effecting these issues. She is co-chair of both Personnel Committee and Taxes and Social Security Committee of the Military Coalition (TMC). Additionally, Jennifer serves on the Board of Advisors for Military Saves.
Prior to joining the Association, Jennifer served in various roles at the Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) including as Director of Military and Government Relations. She earned a bachelor of science in interior design from The Art Institute of Pittsburgh as well as a diploma in resident planning. Before going back to school and working in advocacy, Jennifer served in the United States Air Force as an imagery analyst at the U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), Offutt AFB, Nebraska. Over the last 20 years as a service member and military spouse, Jennifer has lived in Texas, Nebraska, Hawaii, Florida, and Virginia. She currently resides in Springfield, Virginia with her son and husband, who serves on active duty in the United States Air Force.
Prior to the luncheon, AMBA will host the Military Family Financial Readiness Coalition Roundtable discussion in partnership with the Military Family Advisory Network.