Association of Military Banks of America

National Military Family Association Cyber Crisis Event – AMBA Title Sponsor

In November 2013 AMBA was a proud sponsor of the National Military Family Association’s Event: Cyber Crisis: Protecting Your Family in a War Waged By Hackers.  

This week, the Naitonal Military Family Association sent information about their online outreach campaign which includes video clips, online tips, blog posts, and social media updates about the event.  AMBA is annouced as a sponsor during each of the three videos below.

AMBA put out a blog about the event today and all week will be posting links and information on social media.  Please consider sharing this information through your channels as well.


The blog featured below is on AMBA website as well as National Military Family Association website: Tips for Protecting Your Military Family Online

How many times have you heard the phrase, “Loose lips sink ships?”

What about “The enemy is listening?”

If you’re a military family, you’ve heard them before. And you’ve probably seen the posters around your installation reminding you to practice good Operational Security (OPSEC). As much as we sometimes tire of hearing the reminders, our military would fail to thrive without it.

In a time where deployments, reunions, births, and even deaths are blasted across social media channels, the lines drawn between being supportive, and being dangerous become blurred. Are you keeping your family safe?

We hosted a panel of experts to talk about this. General Michael Hayden, former CIA Director and Cyber Security Expert, and Kevin Mandia, top Cybercrime Sleuth offered tips for military families to protect themselves online.

Protecting our Nation is the duty of our service members. Protecting your military family online should be yours.

More Videos:

Cyber Crisis: Protecting Your Family in a War Waged By Hackers (entire event video)

Safest Ways to Communicate During Deployment (highlight)

You Can’t Trust YOur Children to Protect Themselves (highlight)